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About Davis University

Our Commitment to Excellence

Founded in 1858, Davis University continues to provide excellence in career training for many students in Toledo, Ohio and around the world. Thanks to hands-on training led by expert instructors, Davis University gives you the tools for a brighter future.

Davis University offers many careers-focused programs, including,

Davis University features a modern facility, knowledgeable instructors, and a thriving student culture. With a 9:1 student-teacher ratio, instructors at Davis University are ready to provide you with the support you need to graduate and pursue a career you are passionate about.

The best way to see if Davis University is the right fit for you is to contact an admissions representative. Get more information on our programs and class schedules so that you can make an informed decision about your future.

Our Mission

Davis University, a private institution of higher education, serves students by teaching marketable skills that enhance the employability of our graduates in the ever-changing world.

Accreditation and Approvals

Accreditation by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) means we have attained high standards for innovation and excellence in career-orientated education. Davis University is registered with the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools (State of Ohio Certificate of Registration No. 731), with programs authorized by the Ohio Board of Higher Education. Our Real Estate program is approved by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate.

Is a Rewarding Career in Business, Medical or Early Childhood Education Right For You? Get More Info…

If you’re interested in learning more about careers in Business, Medical and Early Childhood Education and exploring whether Davis University is right for you, click here to receive more information. fill out the form

For questions, call 419-473-2700 or email